주요인사연설분석 자동화
2016. 4. 15. 19:24
KoNLPy 와 word2vec 을 이용해 제작하였습니다
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Tree - Visualization 은
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""" return self.sorted_vocab[index] def __repr__(self): # return "<TrainModel %s...>" % (",".join([_vocab[0] for _vocab in self.sorted_vocab[:5]])) return "<TrainModel %s>" % self.name def __add__(self, other): """ :param other: TrainModel 객체 :return: 두 벡터를 합친 결과 (벡터) """ # 우선 다시 학습을 시키는 방식으로 진행 new_name = self.name + ' + ' + other.name new_model = TrainModel(self.sentences + other.sentences, new_name) return new_model def visualization_3d(self): def partition(alist, indices): # 해당 indices 의 리스트 를 반환 return [mean(alist[i:j]) for i, j in zip([0] + indices, indices + [None])] vocab_list = list(self.model.vocab.keys()) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 13)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') all_x = list() all_y = list() all_z = list() for vocab in vocab_list: # Need Dimensionality Reduction """ # 100 차원 벡터를 행렬로 형변환 # vocab_matrix = mat(self.model[vocab]) # 고유값과 고유벡터 연산을 위한 공분산 행렬 구함 cov_matrix = cov(self.model[vocab]) from sklearn.manifold import TSNE tsne = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=5000) low_dim_embs = tsne.fit_transform() # labels = [word_dict[i] for i in range(len(self.model))] labels = list(self.model.vocab.keys()) plot_with_labels(low_dim_embs, labels) """ # vector = self.model[vocab] # ave_index = len(vector) // 3 """ x = mean(vector[:ave_index]) y = mean(vector[ave_index:ave_index * 2]) z = mean(vector[ave_index * 2:]) """ # x, y, z = partition(vector, [ave_index, ave_index*2]) x, y, z = self.model[vocab] all_x.append(x) all_y.append(y) all_z.append(z) ax.text(x, y, z, vocab) ax.set_xlim3d(min(all_x), max(all_x)) ax.set_ylim3d(min(all_y), max(all_y)) ax.set_zlim3d(min(all_z), max(all_z)) plt.show() def visualization_2d(self): # TODO: Here is Error vocab_list = list(self.model.vocab.keys()) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='2d') all_x = list() all_y = list() for vocab in vocab_list: x, y = self.model[vocab] all_x.append(x) all_y.append(y) ax.text(x, y, vocab) ax.set_xlim3d(min(all_x), max(all_x)) ax.set_ylim3d(min(all_y), max(all_y)) plt.show() # Just ShortCut visualization = visualization_3d if __name__ == '__main__': park_sentences = MakeSentence(TRAIN_DATA_PATH + '/park') vector_model = TrainModel(park_sentences) vector_model.visualization() print(1) # model_path = vector_model.save() # make_model2json(model_path) """ # 아래와 같이 model 끼리 덧셈도 가능하다. vector_model1 = TrainModel(sentences1) vector_model2 = TrainModel(sentences2) vector_model = vector_model1 + vector_model2 for vocab in vector_model: print("%s : %d times" % (vocab[0], vocab[1].count)) """ | cs |